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Course Requests


Course requests are entered online through the Student Portal by students. Students will be able to make course request selections near the beginning of semester 2 of every school year.


Course selection via the portal is only a request, it does NOT guarantee the course will run or that your student will receive that course.


Rising 9th Grade PowerSchool Student Portal Instructions


Rising 10th - 12th Grade PowerSchool Student Portal Instructions

Scheduling Timeline for 2025-2026 School Year: 

First two weeks of February Counselors will present Course information to students, and students begin entering Course Requests.

All Course Requests must be in by February 21st.

Schedule Change Requests


Students can request a schedule change as long as it complies with AACPS Board Policy IG-Selection and Changing of High School Courses. Requests for a schedule change MUST be made to your school counselor within the first 10 school days of each semester.


Note, a schedule change request does NOT guarantee a change, nor approval of a change.


Students will be notified of the approval or denial. Students are to continue in the course until they are notified by their counselor.


The AACPS Board of Education supports schedule changes ONLY for the reasons stated below:


 1.  Course is required by a senior who needs it for graduation this school year. 

 2.  Sequential order of the course is incorrect (lacking a prerequisite course, e.g., Spanish II before Spanish I). 

 3.  Need to repeat a previously failed course.

 4.  The specific course has already been taken and passed.

 5.  Adding academic course recommended by employer or college.*

 6.  Dropping course for academic reason recommended by teacher.*

 7.  Changing course for health reason certified in writing by physician.*


For directions to request a schedule change, please use this link: â€‹ Add Drop Form-Parent Portal Directions-ENGLISH.pdf


Para obtener instrucciones para solicitar un cambio de horario, utilice este enlace: â€‹ FINAL Add.Drop Form-Parent Portal Directions-SPANISH.pdf

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